Anyway, take for example Information Gathering Techniques. The BackTrack distro offers a number of tools to find user info and email info about companies from web sites. So I was thinking, "How can I start converting some of these tools over to Windows using PowerShell?" Well here is my start...
One of the first things I was thinking would be nice, would be to grab web pages to search for email addresses or other things. So here is a quick little function for grabbing web pages:
function Get-WebPage{ param([string]$Url) $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebPage = $WebClient.DownloadData($Url) return [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($WebPage) }
That little goody will get you the HTML text of the URL you supply. "What can you do with that?" you ask. How about getting Google results (if you get permission from Google first of course)...
function Get-GoogleResults{ Param( [string]$Search, [int]$PageNumber=1, [string]$site="", [string]$SearchPrefix = "/search?q=" ) Function Get-ResultObject([string]$rTitle,[string]$rUrl){ $tempobject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Title=$null;Link=$null} $tempobject.Title = $rTitle $tempobject.Link = $rUrl return $tempobject } $PageNumber = ($PageNumber - 1) * 10 $WebSearch = "$site$searchprefix$search`&start=$PageNumber" $regex = [regex]'<h3 class=r>.*?</h3>' $GoogleResults = Get-WebPage $WebSearch $regex.matches($GoogleResults) | %{ $Title = [regex]::replace($_,"<.*?>","") $Link = [regex]::matches($_,'\".*\"')| %{$_.value.trim('`"')} $AllResults += @(Get-ResultObject $Title $Link) } return $AllResults }
That particular function returns an array of objects with Title and Link as properties. You can then go through the array get the URL for each link and search it if you want for email addresses.
for($i=1;$i -le 10; $i++){Get-GoogleResults "" $i | %{Get-WebPage $_.Link | %{([regex]'\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*').matches($_) | %{$_.value}}}}
I'm pretty sure there's a couple of Linux tools that'll replace (LOL).
Have fun
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